Social Marketing And Demographic Influence In Transmission Of Human Immuno Virus: A Study Of Anti-Retroviral Therapy Clinic In Maiduguri Metropolis


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Veronica N. Ndubuisi1 and Mani Umar2, 1 Entrepreneurship Marketing Unit, Division of General Studies, University of Maiduguri, 2

Department of Marketing, University of Maiduguri. Corresponding


Changes in the size and structure of human society influence the behavior of the inhabitant of the society. This is made possible by the use of social marketing approach to harness the changes in HIV patients’ behavior at ART Clinic in Maiduguri Metropolis. Simple percentage was used to determine the demographic/socio-economic characteristics model while Likert scale was used to evaluate the extent of demographic influence on HIV patients. The result by Pearson X2shows that the demographic model used is statically significant, courtesy of social marketing reaching out to the audience target.  Despite the positive result, it is recommended that the ART Clinic should be strengthened and revigorated for continuous knowledge and updating of the society because prevention is better than cure.

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Key words: Demographic Influence, HIV Transmission, Social Marketing, ART Clinic