Board Gender Diversity And Size: Implication On The Market Price Per Share Of Listed Manufacturing Companies In Nigeria.


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Aishat Salawudeen1 and Kabiru I. Dandago2 1Department of Accounting, University of Abuja, Nigeria 2

Department of Accounting. Bayero University Kano, Nigeria Email:


This study examines the effect of board gender diversity and board size on the market price per share of listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study population consists of sixty-three manufacturing companies whose shares are listed on the Nigerian stock exchange between 2008 and 2018. A sample size of fifty-one firms was selected using some filters. The data were collected from annual reports and accounts of the sampled companies for eleven years from 2008 to 2018. Multiple regression with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimation technique was used to test the study hypotheses through STATA software version 13.0. Board size and board gender diversity have a significant positive impact on the market price per share. However, It is, therefore, recommended that for the effective and efficient discharge of the responsibilities of the board of directors of listed manufacturing firms, there should be an appropriate balance of skills and diversity(including experience and gender) without compromising competence, independence and integrity of the board and not just its size. Emphases should be on the quality of members on the board (male or female), as this will go a long way in creating enabling atmospheric
conditions for enhanced productivity and profit maximization that could enhance the wealth of the shareholders.

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Key words: Board Gender Diversity, Board Size and Market Price per Share.